
Private One on One Krav Maga Training

Enjoy personalized one on one training in Tzlil’s private studio with one of the best instructors in the industry

Small Group Training

Train with a friend (or two or three!) in Tzlil’s private studio and increase your potential to fend off attackers

Corporate and Private Seminars

Fun and instructional private events; corporate team building and customized self-defense programs for your staff, family and/or friends

Lecture / Demonstration

Bring Tzlil to your next event for a thrilling Krav Maga demonstration followed by a lecture and interactive discussion on the benefits of self-defense training.

Goals of Krav Maga Training

The ultimate goal of Krav Maga training is to save lives. We accomplish this by reducing the initial shock of an attack while creating an immediate and effective response through muscle memory. Continual drilling creates muscle memory – when we repeat the same movement time and time again it is recorded in the brain for future use. Then, when necessary, we can perform this action without even thinking about it; the action becomes instinctual. We all have the ability to defend ourselves and we are here to help you develop and apply your own unique skill set. Our programs help to create inner strength and direct it toward the maximum application of the trainee’s abilities regardless of physical limitations. In this way, Krav Maga is unique – the method adapts itself to the trainee instead of the trainee adapting her/himself to the method. This is what makes Krav Maga the best self-defense system in the world.

What you will learn:

  • How to use the momentum of the attacker to your advantage during an attack.
  • How to cause maximum damage in minimum time.
  • How to escape from an attack while neutralizing the attacker.
  • How to create instinctual responses to prevent freezing during an attack.
  • How to overcome personal and environmental stressors to respond quickly during an attack.
  • Heighten situational and environmental awareness.
  • How to identify potential attackers.
  • How to use personal and environmental items as weapons during an attack.
  • Improve and build self-confidence.

Contact us for pricing